Levens Choir Data Protection Policy
This policy is to comply with the EU General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) which were effective from 25th May 2018.
“Choir” or “The Choir” means Levens Choir
The Choir’s Committee is the Data Controller for the purposes of the GDPR
Personal data shall consist of:
a) in the case of Choir members under the age of eighteen, name, postal address, part (e.g. bass 2), email address and telephone number(s) and details of subscriptions paid, except that the postal address shall be available to the Choir’s Committee only;
b) for other Choir members, the above data plus, unless they object to it, a photograph.
Personal data must be used only for purposes directly connected with the functions of the choir such as circulation of information regarding Choir functions of any kind, or (should the Committee so decide) connected with the perceived interest of the members, such as information about other musical events. Save as stated above, personal data may be circulated amongst members of the Choir as a whole.
Choir members may check and revise their personal data at any time on application to the Choir’s Secretary.
The Choir’s holding of members’ personal data shall be a condition of Choir membership, and therefore a member’s data can only be deleted in the case of a member leaving the Choir. Deletion shall occur as soon as reasonably possible after that date.
As an exception to the above, if a member’s subscription is subject to Gift Aid, then HMRC requirements as to retention of the donor’s data must be complied with.
This document will be placed on the Choir’s website.